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Opening summer 2024

22/6 - 18/8

11am - 4pm

For advance bookings, contact us at

For guided tours at other times please
book in advance on tel:+4673 813 03 06


Adults 120:- free admission under 18 years
Group 80:- per participant (by 20 people)
(Members free admission) membership costs 175 :-/ year, click here to send details of membership



Mus-Olles Museum

Sjövik 453

835 95 Nälden

Tel: +4673 813 03 06



Mouse Olle Museum's Ytterån, located
E14 after about 35 km west of Östersund
and about 65 km east of Åre

Gps.kord. N 63 19.632  E 14 10.160
The museum is handicap accessible and has ample parking space. At the reception sold memorabilia, postcards, etc. related to the museum. Adjacent to the museum is a heritage center with a cozy Café, which serves good coffee and homemade bread.

Click here to see a sketch of the farm

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Please visit our Café for a snack with homemade bread